It’s been 6 weeks since my car ran over me, and there is no doubt in my mind that God spared my life, and Rog and I love each day together, and now I am able to walk some and feeling better every day…
After being told we need to see a surgeon last week, I was facing the possibility of further surgery on my leg….well…here we go...join me in a cartwheel to celebrate the great news!!
"I don't think this lady needs any more surgery on that leg!" declared a tall Russian Doctor Tuzynski, head of surgery at Wenatchee Valley Medical Center! Whaoooo! He even came out to the waiting room...put his arm around me and helped me into the exam room...and his nurse carried the VAC pack!
Nice guy. Upon learning I was at a yard sale when the accident happened…he said he got a table for his office at Good Will…”…why not?’s a good table!” he said. We had lots of laughs and he wanted to know about the accident. It was the most unusual ‘exam room’ experience…all 4 of us enjoyed it! We are invited back any time…even just to visit and let them know how I am doing. I could be the token stand-up comedian for the office!
The wound on the inside of my RT side calf is gradually shrinking from nearly 12” in length to now about 7”. The treatment is being done by some fairly new technology…mentioned earlier called the VAC therapy system. Here’s the web site if you want to check it out.
It heals the wound from the inside out…and it almost assures there is no infection because the wound is ‘sealed closed’.
So that’s were we are now. Many have brought us meals through this time of recovery, and we are so thankful for that, and I have received stacks of cards. One friend of mine came from her home in California and stayed 10 days…and left us with many frozen meals in the freezer. How wonderful is that?
Thanks for your prayers as we move ahead each day with Physical Therapy and wrap up treatment.
We trust our God for strength and healing…and lean on His Word to keep our hearts and we acknowledge He is working His will in our lives. Pov. 3: 5-6.
Love and thanks to all.
Connie and Roger Booth